The Belgian Hand Surgery Certificate


The BHSC is a 2 year formation, consisting of 4 modules per year, each comprising of 2 days (Friday and Saturday, each 8 hour sessions). These modules are organised alternately at each university with a presence obligation for the students of 80% during the courses. The teachers of every module are appointed by one of the participating universities in the perspective to guard the optimal quality of the training.

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The BHSC is a 2 year formation, consisting of 4 modules per year, each comprising of 2 days (Friday and Saturday, each 8 hour sessions). These modules are organised alternately at each university with a presence obligation for the students of 80% during the courses. The teachers of every module are appointed by one of the participating universities in the perspective to guard the optimal quality of the training.

The program is jointly organised by the Belgian universities. The teachers are appointed by the respective faculty of the universities.

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The Belgian Hand Surgery Certificate


The next cycle starts in October 2024. 

Pre-registrations are closed for the upcoming cycle 2024-2026.

Registration fee for the cycle 2024-2026 is set at 1.000,00- Euro per year (= 2000 euros in total).


The program is accessible to European or extra- European orthopaedic, plastic or general surgeons or residents in their last 3 years of internship. The program is basic level, aimed at residents in orthopaedic, general or plastic surgery. The admission is subject to a selection procedure by the steering committee in accordance with all universities’ internal regulations