EFP clinical practice guidelines and the use of antibiotics in Periodontology

The EFP S3-level clinical practice guideline for treating stages I to III periodontitis highlights the importance of weighing the benefits and possible adverse effects before prescribing systemic antibiotics adjunctive to subgingival instrumentation. The guideline concludes that adjunctive systemic antibiotics may be considered in specific cases, such as stage III and IV generalised periodontitis in young adults. If clinically relevant benefits of adjunctive systemic antibiotics can be associated with a particular diagnosis of periodontitis in accordance to the 2018 Classification of Periodontal and Peri- implant Diseases and Conditions, this could aid clinicians in deciding on the need for prescribing adjunctive systemic antibiotics based on the periodontal diagnosis. During this lecture Prof. D. Herrera will discuss in detail the use of antibiotics in Periodontology according to the EFP clinical practice guidelines. 

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EFP clinical practice guidelines and the use of antibiotics in Periodontology


Spreker: Prof. David Herrera 

Doelgroep: Algemeen tandarts - tandarts specialisten

Accreditering: 20AE voor tandartsen aangevraagd


€ 240,00
Eventuele kortingsprijs afh. van uw profiel (zie winkelmandje)